More homes planned for Dorset village on edge of approved 140 house estate

CROSSWAYS could see a further nine homes built on the edge of a planned 140 house ‘urban extension’ to the village.

Plans, put together by Pure Town Planning on behalf of applicant Lawsh One, have been submitted to Dorset Council which would see the demolition of Egdon House to the west of the village – with nine new houses proposed for the site.

The site for the proposed homes is next to agricultural land which has seen plans approved to build 140 houses as part of an ‘urban extension’ to Crossways, complete with a children’s play space and the creation of a ‘suitable alternative natural green space’.

The existing building Picture: Pure Town Planning

As part of the plans, the nine homes would consist of six semi-detached three bed houses and three detached four bed houses, with a new access created off Lewell Road.

The developer initially planned to build 13 homes on the site but has since reduced this to nine.

The plans would also see the creation of a “pleasant and safe” walking route between the site and Crossways.

“This statement has set out that the proposed development will provide nine high quality family homes in a sustainable location that is directly adjacent to the urban area of Crossways,” the application said.

Proposed site plan Picture: Pure Town Planning

“It sets out that the proposals will have an acceptable impact upon the character and appearance of the area, providing a unique low density high quality development that is sympathetic to the edge of settlement location of the site with a real sense of place to suit the needs of modern family life whilst providing high levels of amenity for future occupiers through a carful layout that results in an open green landscaped development.

“The proposed development results in an improvement in highway safety whilst providing a policy compliant level of parking.”

To view and comment on the plans, visit and search planning reference P/FUL/2024/05618.

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