Dream comes true as Dorchester student gets his pilot’s wings – and wins award

A DORCHESTER student has achieved his dream after he performed a solo flight for the first time.

James Hall, a 17-year-old student at the Thomas Hardye Sixth Form in Dorchester, was awarded the Dennis Neal Trophy for most improved junior student pilot at Dorset Gliding Club (DGC), a nationally accredited junior gliding centre.

This comes after he performed his first solo flight in a ASK-13 glider back in November.

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James, who is from Wyke Regis, said: “I am so proud of myself and very pleased to have become a solo pilot.

“The first experience was like nothing before: tranquil and thrilling at the same time, as I knew I was free in the sky with just my aircraft, G-DCHW.

James receiving his wings Picture: Dorset Gliding Club

James receiving his wings Picture: Dorset Gliding Club

“Training for me was quite a journey; [it was] far from straightforward.

“It took a large amount of perseverance and fortitude; however the difficult times were made easier with the support and encouragement of my fellow club members, whom I thank. Achieving solo means so much to me.”

James’ aim is to one day follow in his grandfather’s footsteps and become a pilot in the armed forces.

“This recent achievement is a huge one towards my goal, as I have the responsibility to take care of my own aircraft and others, as well as being a leader on the ground to ensure the airfield runs smoothly and safely,” he added.

James taking to the skies Picture: Dorset Gliding Club

James taking to the skies Picture: Dorset Gliding Club

“Going solo is amazing and has changed my life now. It was well worth putting some effort in to make it.

“At DGC I am the junior mentor, supporting and helping other juniors with day-to-day airfield activities and encouraging them to keep persisting with training.

“Being part of a gliding club is so much more than turning up and gliding on the weekend. It is a way of living your life and is my favourite thing to do outside of school.”

Find out more about Dorset Gliding Club on their website.

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